
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Some Family Fun

With the kids in school, football games on Saturdays, and life in general in session, it was a busy week, but we found a few hours for some fun family time. We met Dad in Lehi at the Trafalga and enjoyed the rides and arcade games. We are trying to soak up as much sunshine as we can before the weather gets too cold.

Lexi's favorite thing was the carousel. She loved when her horse was up and mine down so she could tell me that she is bigger than me.

Dillan loved the roller coaster. He wanted to ride by himself. Getting too big to sit by mom!

Lex was pretty excited to ride the roller coaster, but isn't too cool to sit by her mom!

Dillan wanted to ride the horse by himself as well. "Mom, don't sit by me, I'm not a baby."
Lex, on the other hand, wanted me to hold her hand the whole ride. I guess that is the difference between 4 and 5.

Derrick rode with Dad the first time, and mom the second.

Another of the kid's favorite rides were the planes. They could move them up or down at will, and shoot at the other riders.

This was after the boys soaked us in the bumper boats pool. We were laughing that we bothered doing our hair because the boys got it so wet we just pulled it up after. Stinking boys! haha
The boys rode in one boat, and we road in the other. Brett and Dillan steered, and Derrick held the button down to shoot water at us. He did a good job, we were soaked!

This is on the roller coaster before the ride. Lex got scared and didn't want to go on it again. Derrick LOVED it.
These last few pics are from a birthday party we went to as a family. It was butterfly themed. They painted faces, decorated cupcakes, made cacoons, and more. This is Dillan helping to cover one of the other kids in a toilet paper cacoon.
Brett was the caterpillar getting ready to turn into a butterfly.
Brett and I at a 4 yr old birthday party, competing in the "caccoon making" challenge. I think we won!

This week was great, we used our passes to Trafalga to enjoy some family fun time. That is not always easy to do. Don't get me wrong, we have a lot of fun as a family, and tend to do a lot every week, but there are days when I ask myself why we bother. It seems like someone is always needing a nap, or would rather be somewhere else. Most outings involve a lot of fussing, and then me being in a bad mood because I expect better from my kids when I am taking them out to do something fun. But sometimes you have a good week where the kids behave, and you have so much fun that you can't help but be grateful that you took time out of your day to do something together. This was one of those weeks that make the other times worth it. Just thinking about how much I love my family today, and how grateful I am to be a mom of three fantastic kids.

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