
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

As Promised...

As promised, here is a recap of the "adventures" we have had the past couple of days.

Yesterday was National Pancake Day, and since we are ever in support of the Children's Miracle Network, we went and got our free short stack of pancakes and made a donation to Primary's. Of course, taking three kids to a restaurant, even IHOP by myself is bound to be an adventure. Derrick loved the couple sitting in the booth behind us, and kept trying to share sugar packets. Lexi was in a terrible mood, and Dillan just wanted bacon. It was fun! The best part was when the server looked at me with horror in her eyes when I let Dillan order a Mountain Dew as his drink. I know it is full of caffeine, etc. but I decided to pick my battles, and he never drinks his drink anyway, so why fight with him about it? Instead I offered him other options, and let him stick with the MD. I think he drank about three sips before he commandeered my water glass.

It was such a beautiful day that after our lunch of "Mancakes" (as derrick has termed them) and sides, we headed to the park. Oh man was that nice. We mostly played on the swings. I can't believe how challenging it is to teach kids how to pump their legs on the swings. I think Derrick had the most fun of us all. When we got home we put a blanket out on the lawn in the backyard and Alexis promptly fell asleep in the sunshine. It was wonderful.

Today's adventures were just as fun. We went to the mall because TCBY has $1 waffle cone Wednesday's and we love ice cream. We went and looked at board games, and the kids loved the Kinex rollercoaster thing, so we watched it go about 50 times. We had our stop at Bath and Body Works so the kids could put on all the various lotions, and we played at the treehouse/dinosaur, indoor play thing. No adventure can truly be an adventure without an upset, and it came with Derrick having a major poop that seeped onto his pants. He needs more pants anyway, so we bought him a new pair, and let him run around commando. It required frequent reminders that he did not have a diaper on, and several trips to the bathroom, but we made it home without any accidents.

Tonight Dillan and Brett are at the BYU game. We will see if Dillan manages to get up early enough for school tomorrow, but a missed day is worth it for him to get to spend some manly time with Dad supporting Jimmer! haha

I should be working, but instead I am browsing jobs, housing, and rentals in Hawaii, and dreaming of days with warmer weather so our adventures can be more exciting than a trip to the mall. What does tomorrow have in store for us???? Who knows. I am thinking a nature walk, weather permitting, or maybe swimming at the local rec center.

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