
Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I have been thinking a lot lately about how I do not have a hobby. Growing up I had all kinds of things I would categorize as hobbies. I ran, I played a million other sports, I hiked, I made stamp crafts, etc. Now, I take care of my kids, clean my house, work, and shop. That is a very true, if succinct, version of my life.

Now my free time is filled with reading and Facebook. There is nothing wrong with that, but when I grow older and retire, how do I want to spend my days? I know I want to travel, but what about when I am home? What do I envision myself doing when I don't have my kids needing me every second? My in-laws have their hobbies that keep them busy, and fulfill that need for doing something for themselves. My mother in law quilts, my father in law is extremely handy, and builds things out of wood. What do I do? I don't play any instruments, I don't sing, I don't enjoy any craft particularly well, I don't paint or draw or sculpt, I am not a philanthropist, nor do I particularly enjoy community service. This is not a pitty party, I don't really believe in those. This is a desire to discover something I WANT to do.

One thing I know I enjoy is looking at other people's photography. I could spend hours looking at photography blogs. The whole concept of exposure, shutter speed, ISO, etc. is like a foreign world to me that interests me to no end. I do not want to become a photographer in a career sense. Not even a little bit. However, I would LOVE to learn about photography, for me, for fun, as a hobby.

So, that is what I am going to do. I am going to start by reading the whole manual for my new SLR camera. I am then going to take a class at Allen's camera, and look for other workshops offered by photographers I love, assuming I can afford them. So, anyone who knows stuff about photography, knows about classes, or wants to help me out with this, it would be really appreciated. I think everyone should find hobbies, so if I can help you with one of yours please let me know.


Christa said...

:) This will be a fun hobby for you...and it will benefit me! :) haha jk. I'm excited for you that you got your camera!

Yerkes family said...

I take awesome pics of you! haha it isn't hard when you are taking pictures of someone who is so pretty!