
Friday, November 5, 2010

My day in court!

Today was scary, stressful, insane, good, bad, ugly. You name it. I had court, to settle on the whole SeaDoo damage thing. Well, the guys were pissed because I won (yay me). They were really rude. I was a bit nervous. (BTW that is an understatement). So, I asked the judge to have a court officer escort me to my car. The two guys were out there, they heckled me, and the officer told them to quit being A-holes. He then pulled me aside and told me that if they do anything to harass me or make me feel insecure or unsafe, I can file a police report, and it is a felony. When we got outside, they were standing by their car, it was only 2 down from mine. Great, right. So the officer had me wait until they left. They pulled out of the parking lot, and then pulled to the side. Yes, they waited, and it freaked me out. Needless to say I was sort of a mess. Lucky for me my sweet nephew let me talk to him about it. Then, of course, my wonderful neighbor Dana had my kiddos, and so when I got there and was still sort of a mess (I know it sounds stupid, but they were scary, and I was by myself and they were really mad) she gave me a hug and a Dr. Pepper. Thanks to the doctor all was okay in the end.

So, after I calmed down some, I went to Krispie Kream for my sugar fix. Not really, well I did go to KK but only to meet my mom. Then home, to work, and blah blah blah. I needed a way to turn my day around, so I decide, service is the best way to stop thinking about yourself. I was too drained and emotionally exhausted to do manual labor. However, I started making dinner for my family, and decided I would try to think of someone else to make dinner for. Lucky for me I have a prego neighbor who was out working in her yard all day, and has 4 kiddos. So (tooting my own horn now), I took dinner over. Let's just say it was the best part of my day.

Although...Brett came home earlier than I expected, and that was awesome. And, when the kids saw a mouse in the living room (second time this week), I figured we better do something about it. So, I borrow a cat from a friend. About 5 minutes after I brought it in the house it had cornered the mouse. Awesome right? Lexi is in love with it. I don't know what she is going to do when we return it, but oh well.

I am now getting too tired to keep typing. John gets baptised in the morning, so I better sign off and get some sleep. Crap day, turned good. That is the summary! Love my hubby, love my family, hate how awful people can be sometimes, etc. Nighty night.


Becca said...

What's this about SeaDo damage? I didn't hear anything about this!

Jen said...

Yay for winning!! We knew you would! :)