
Sunday, October 3, 2010

In sickness and in health

Yesterday I went to a bachelorette party, and we were talking about vows, and it got me thinking about traditional vows. The line "in sickness and in health" stood out to me particularly. Why? Because my kids are sick. Before I left for the party both Alexis and Dillan had thrown up. Today, Brett was victim to a similar fate. I am glad I did not say traditional vows at my wedding because honestly, I don't love when Brett is sick. My first instinct is to call his mom to take care of him, and skip town. Okay, maybe not that extreme, but really, I hate being around sickness. I hate dealing with throw up, and ornery tired people, and most especially, I hate when my partner in crime is out for the count. So, to remind myself that I love my family and will put up with the yuck because of the good, I looked through pictures of healthier times.

This is when we all went to Trafalga with Brett's sisters. Tons of fun. Notice how soaked we all are. The kids had the best time with the water guns, and even more fun that they got to shoot the adults.

This is from a recent visit to Chuckee Cheese. The kids had a blast earning tickets and playing arcade games. Dad got home in time to come with us. Derrick only wanted to ride the cars the whole time.

This is my darling little monkey wanting to rock climb. She was not heavy enough to use the harness and pulley system, so she stayed close to the ground and just did her best. (In a dress of course, as it would not be lex otherwise)

I had to take a go to show the kids how it is done. Lucky for my ego I climbed to the top without problem, and rung the bell. Whew, Dillan would probably never let me live it down if I couldn't make it to the top.

Here is Dillan, another little monkey. He did awesome, making it all the way to the top after a while. He just worked and worked at it until he figured out a way to make to the bell. He was so proud of himself on the way back down. Does it show?

1 comment:

Christa said...

cute cute cute blog! i love the pictures. I take it my sugestion to upload more than one picture at a time helped on this one? haha and i like all the pictures on the side of your page now. it's really cute.i love your kids...and you.