
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day Two: Tell us about your job!

My Job is Awesome! I love it! Most days anyway.

Here is what I do: I write! I write and edit articles for the web. I also do a number of other things that involve writing, seo,  and web content. Sometimes, like last week, I get to write special reports, or guides to things like investing in Penny Stocks. A few times a year I get to ghost write a book. Usually it involves a lot of research and communication with the client. I write e-commerce descriptions, business plans, resumes, white papers, etc. You name it, I have probably written it. What haven't I written? I have never written an obituary!

Here is how I got started: I went to BYU and got my degree in English. As I was about to graduate I realized that since I was 8 months pregnant, chances are it would be hard to find a job right away. Who wants to hire someone for 2-3 weeks before they take a 6 week maternity leave? So, I kept the job I had answering phones at an office. I had my son, and kept working, and then decided it was time to be a stay at home mom. I tried it for about 5 months, and HATED it. I was bored out of my mind (you must understand that at this point my baby slept most of the day). So, I started doing some freelance writing. I responded to an ad that Don posted, and have worked with him, for him, for myself, and a thousand other people since. It has grown a lot, had huge spikes, and big recessions. I have been writing full time for about 5 years now, and hate it and love it.

Here is a look at my day to day stuff: Usually I start my morning out checking my email and responding to any of my writer's questions. On Monday's I use Google KeyWord tools to come up with topic lists for the articles for the week. I spend a few hours editing, and a few hours researching and writing each day. Sometimes I do it at midnight, sometimes while my kids are at school. When I get behind (which lately seems like all the time), I pretty much work all day. I write about finance, family, parenting, relationships, manufacturing, travel, investing, small business, big business, and more.

The reason I love my job is that it lets me work from home and be a mom, and it also keeps my brain from turning to mush. In addition, because the topics always change I get to learn new things every week. Brett always says I know a little about a lot. The hazard of working this way for so long is that I often start sentences with, "I wrote an article this week on..." What can I say? I learn a lot of interesting facts.

Check out my website: www.thewriteonprofessionals.com (My disclaimer: I designed it myself, and it is not that great, I mean really, where am I supposed to find the time between 3 kids, a house, meals, errands, a full time job, and family life? But, I am sticking with it because it works.)

1 comment:

Lauren Elizabeth Stanford said...

Rachel, I really don't know how you do it all and still stay sane! I look at all you are doing, PLUS birthday parties with fruit tarts?! I mean, REALLY!? Do you ever have a hard time balancing work and kids? Like, do you ever feel like you aren't paying enough attention to them because you have to work? Do you have set hours that you say you are going to work and do everything else around that schedule? I'm just curious cause I work from home but I just have Eamonn.. (soon to be 2 kids) and I'm not sure how I'm going to do it all...