
Friday, August 17, 2012

Our little slice of paradise

I have a full heart this morning. Derrick was so hyper when he woke up, and so happy, it was infectious. Despite being exhausted from a night of pregnancy heart burn and little feet in my back (yes, Derrick is still getting in bed with us EVERY night), I couldn't help but smile. Dillan came in and joined us, and was all smiles as well. We tickled and wrestled for a little, then in honor of it being one of the last days of summer, I decided to roll my big butt out of bed, and make them their favorite breakfast-German Pancakes! I took a short cut and made the mini ones that take far fewer ingredients, but I think the kids liked the respite from the boxes of cereal that have been their staple go to for breakfast since I got pregnant.

The kids got dressed right when I asked, no argument, and brought up their favorite album, so we rocked out to some Kidz Bop (yay, note the sarcasm), while we cracked eggs, measured flour, etc. Then Derrick said a sweet prayer over the food, and we dug in. The kids all helped each other out with toppings, and have been sitting and enjoying breakfast. They have been so sweet to each other this morning. These are the kinds of mornings that make up for the chaotic ones that make you want to pull your hair out.

I have been kind of burnt out on the mommy front of late, just so tired and hot and unwieldy, so it was a great reminder of what a blessing our little family is. And it certainly doesn't hurt that school is starting soon, so I know a little peace and order are coming soon!

1 comment:

JuLi said...

this is a sweet post. i wish i could come to your house for german pancakes and cuddle tickling! Thanks for being my ear and shoulder for crying on lately when I'm feeling so burnt out as a mommy! i couldn't even tell you've been feeling the same way and with much better excuse (pregnancy!). Sorry i suck. I swear I'll be a great ear or shoulder next time you need one!!! LOVE YOU!!!