
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 11: What is in my makeup bag

This is a great question. I wish the answer was more than it is. I want to wear makeup, and as I age and my skin is not as great, I wish I was better at it. My makeup bag is very small and contains a tube of mascara, a 4 pack of eyeshadow in brown, some brushes, fingernail clippers, some chapstick, a fun eyeshadow my friend gave me, and a tube of concealer. And, when I am not out, which I am right now, moisturizer because I have the world's driest skin. At the bottom of the makeup bag are bobby pins, hair ties, little rubber bands, etc.

It is funny because I had this conversation with Christa in October about how I always see girls with huge makeup bags, and perfect makeup and I wonder what is in those bags. It is like a big mystery to me, as I don't know what else to get besides maybe some foundation. Then we started discussing things like bronzer, and compact powders, and my head started spinning. I should be grateful my husband is not a guy who cares about makeup, and that for most of my life I have not needed much if any. Now a days, as I  get less and less sleep and have more and more stress, it is probably wise for me to apply a little more.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

Christa said...

:) well send me your info and I'll order you some lotion girl! and you should check out their make up online. It seiously has changed me. I love it! blog.gloprofessional.com...check out their blog. Great stuff I'm telling you!